5 States of the mind and the desirable state

Before we enter into the discussion on Yoga and what is Kriya Yoga, it is important to understand the 5 states of the mind and how our mind functions. Also, we need to clearly understand what is the desirable state of the mind. Sage Vyasa in his commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali elaborated the 5 states of the mind.

The below video depicts Sage Vyasa's theory of 5 states of the mind. The 5 states of the mind are -

  1. Mudha State (Dull Mind)
  2. Kshiptha State (Restless Mind)
  3. Vikshipta State (Occasionally Steady Mind also called Butterfly Mind)
  4. Ekagra Mind (Concentrated Mind also called Candle Mind)
  5. Niruddha State (Full Concentrated Mind)

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