Bandhu Kriya Course Modules

(Only Bandhu Kriya Module and Yoga Knowledge bits)

(NOT included the modules of Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Nutrition and Wellness)

Section 1 - Background

Section 2 - Introduction to terms used in Bandhu Kriya

Section 3 - Bandhu Kriya Steps

Section 4 - Bandhu Kriya Demo

Section 5 - Yoga Knowledge Bits

What is Kriya Yoga ?

Kriya Yoga as per Yoga Sutras of Patanjali adheres to implementation of the steps of Self Discipline, Self Study and Surrender to the Higher Self.

Kriya Yoga is the technique based on practical form of Yoga for immediate results, if done with sincerity over the period of time.

Kriya Yoga does not need theoretical knowledge of Yoga but needs disciplined approach to follow series of Yogic steps for evolution of the soul.

Bandhu Kriya that is developed by Certified Yoga Teacher at Bharvi Consulting adheres to the Kriya Yoga as per Yoga Sutras.

Bandhu Kriya connects us with our Higher Self, this in turn helps to activate vagus nerve, bring peace and harmony and regulate our habit patterns.

Bandhu Kriya Terms

This course focuses only on the module of Bandhu Kriya. Section introduces the terms used in thr Bandhu Kriya before delving into Bandhu Kriya.

Step by Step Bandhu Kriya

Every step of Bandhu Kriya is explained in details with summarized steps as well benefits of each of the action done as part of Bandhu Kriya.

Yoga Knowledge Bits

Background of Yoga and Samkhya - the science of Yoga is introduced along with the cosmic principles of the universe.

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